Intelligent financing for tenant improvements

So you can free up your capital for higher yielding opportunities

Fast, flexible & cost-effective

The Dolfin TI Lease™

We have developed the first standard form TI Lease to provide landlords and tenants with a cost-efficient alternative to funding tenant improvements +. The Dolfin TI Lease™ provides matched-term, fixed rate rent payments that are based upon the credit rating of the tenant and can deliver unlimited proceeds. The Dolfin TI Lease™ financing process is highly streamlined and offers an expedited execution timeline.

A platform designed for tenants and landlords


  • Preserve liquidity for more strategic investments
  • Offer turn-key TI packages to incoming and renewing tenants for a competitive advantage
  • Leverage tenant credit for lower rates
  • Access unsecured financing with no out-of-pocket cost and no liens taken on the property


  • Reserve capital for higher ROI opportunities
  • Access long-term unsecured financing vs. short term secured bank financing
  • Separate fixed, fully amortizing rent payments made over the corresponding space lease term
  • Receive capital back for TI already in service/on balance sheet
Let's talk

More than just TI. Dolfin Funds

Who can get financing for TI+ ?

  • Public investment grade
  • Public non-investment grade
  • Private
  • Middle-market
  • Offices
  • Industrials
  • Governments
  • Labs/Hospitals
  • Data centers
  • Retail centers
  • Universities

And more...

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